New Mom Feels

Emotional momma today. Perhaps this cozy weather and having “The Best of Yiruma” is adding to all the feels. Just here staring at my daughter and thinking of much she’s grown and how time really does fly when you’re in love and having fun. Well friends I’m both so it’s safe to say I was a bit of a mess this morning lol. In a good way I promise. To help with the excitement and anxiety of being a new mom, I decided to go back to my roots and write it all out. I haven’t journaled in quite some time but writing really is the best way I know how to express myself. It’s therapeutic for me and it’s the safest I probably ever feel when it’s quiet and all I have are my thoughts, a paper and a pen. Some I’ll post online and make digital but there’s something about writing things out that just does it for me. 😝 Happy hump day everyone. Remember to cherish every second of the day! ❤️